Our Terms of Business are discussed at our free initial consultation and are then incorporated into an Engagement letter which summarises the contract between us. Signing an Engagement letter signifies your agreement to our Terms of Business and also to our representing you as your agent to the extent agreed. We will continue to represent you until such time as either you or MacDonald Accountancy Services Limited decide to terminate the arrangement. At which point a disengagement letter will be issued.
You are not bound into a contract for a specific period and can leave at any time, however, because of the complexities of the relationship and the fact that we invest considerable time at the outset, we would hope decisions to leave will not be taken lightly and that we can discuss any adverse factors with the aim of resolving them. Similarly we would not take any decision to terminate the agreement before discussing matters with you.
We have a standard tariff for our different services and an hourly rate for additional ad hoc work. Clients can choose to pay monthly or at the time work is completed. We may request payment in advance in certain circumstances.
We will pursue unpaid fees. We sell our time and professional skills and are obliged to incur overhead costs in order to remain up-to-date and compliant with the regulatory framework and to be able to offer appropriate IT. The product may not be tangible, but we need to be remunerated.
We also facilitate conversations via Skype and use a range of cloud based software such that data can be accessed electronically. We also travel frequently to Edinburgh and around West Lothian and to Glasgow and Stirling, so we are able to visit client premises if this is more convenient for you.